Wednesday, June 1, 2011


This guy is a piece of shit. He stalk pages like facebook and twitter searching for insecure, dumb and naive women like himself. The only problem is he's a pedophile. And he lures women using a photograph of some model that he pulled off the internet that models for Dr. Jays, Coogi, ioffer and FTNike. If you don't believe me look it up for yourself on these links. Check it out! This Too!

Whats even worst is you might remember this guy from one of your favorite childhood cartoons. That's right people, He's The Real Fat Albert.

 Parents watch your daughters, ladies don't be fooled. If you see a picture of this model BEWARE. It's not this guy. It's the real Fat Albert. Better yet, never talk to anyone that has nothing but photoshoot type photos on their page with no signs of them doing regular or normal shit. That's the sign of a pedophile or rapist hiding being someone's image to lure you in. People be safe.